The 5x7

5x7: These painting are all done on 5x7 panels. Some of them go back many years and they are are direct result of the struggle between image making and travelling The size is easily transportable & reduces all aspects of their creation. Acrylics could be painted quickly. Oils could be accomplished if we stayed anywhere for a few days.
These are minstrel paintings. Kept in bags and boxes this is the first time they've been seen.
The themes vary, although there are steams of visual thought that eddy and mingle. Grotesque anatomy is again apparent. Here the tarnished gold leaf paintings (liver, heart, purple flower, testicles, etc) were for a series on the unknowable wounds of Christ. They were to be fashioned, icon-like, into the inner walls of a wooden box. The box had to be a statement object in its own right. Once opened the box would fold out revealing the collection of paintings within. When fully opened, the six connected segments of the box would form a cross, each section containing an image referring to the Unknown and Unknowable wounds.