The 5x7

5x7: These painting are all done on 5x7 panels. Some of them go back many years and they are are direct result of the struggle between image making and travelling The size is easily transportable & reduces all aspects of their creation. Acrylics could be painted quickly. Oils could be accomplished if we stayed anywhere for a few days.
These are minstrel paintings. Kept in bags and boxes this is the first time they've been seen.
The themes vary, although there are steams of visual thought that eddy and mingle. Grotesque anatomy is again apparent. Here the tarnished gold leaf paintings (liver, heart, purple flower, testicles, etc) were for a series on the unknowable wounds of Christ. They were to be fashioned, icon-like, into the inner walls of a wooden box. The box had to be a statement object in its own right. Once opened the box would fold out revealing the collection of paintings within. When fully opened, the six connected segments of the box would form a cross, each section containing an image referring to the Unknown and Unknowable wounds.
Reader Comments (21)
Yes please post more 5X7 works.
I have always enjoyed your art from the written, sung, drawn and painted.
You helped me see skullions and skulls with a different eye and see the beauty that they do hold. The vessal of your mind but I only have the ones that smile. Some people can't see the smile with out the skin.
Great web site by the way.
this is fascinating, I would love to see more 5x7's, Paul!
Greetings and Salutations Sir,
It is not often I find myself inspired these days. With the world getting ever bleaker by the minute, it is rare I find something that brings a smile to my face.
I am no artist. Nor am I an author so I can not give you a * reason* why I love your work so much. What I can tell you is that it brings me joy. It makes me happy and since coming across your site, I have not stopped smiling.
Thank you.
Kindest regards,
You have been inspiring me for the last 23 years, and you continue to do so. Thank you Paul. I look forward to much more.
I have always loved to see life through others eyes and finding the beauty in the macarbe. You should definately post more of your art Paul. Bravo
There is something you don’t know about me, I collect art, my collection contains many artist from Andy Warhol, pro hart, max manix, David Bromely and many unknown but interest pieces.
I would like to add a piece of your art to my collection, if you are interested in selling me a piece you know my number
Take care Jacquie
Hi Paul, thank you for sharing your beautiful art. I still have my much loved "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly" T-shirt that you designed. When I look at it it reminds me of a wonderful time in my youth. Please don't stop creating. Thank you!
thanks Paul it's gr8 to see your 'private stuff' again and the world within - as opposed to the big and 'out' side of you we are more accustomed.
A very thoughtful blog and lots of everyday – which is always fascinating to see.
If you are in town (yes I'm still...) look me up at M16 I am having an exhibition here opening May 10 2012.
Hi Paul,
Love this website. Its great to see a collection of your works all in one place. Next stop a gallery?
It is by the most unusual and obscure route that I have arrived at your website. I feel privileged. You seem to always have just a little more to give. I don't know why or how you do it. But thank you.
Hi Paul,
Thank you so much for sharing this side of you, I think that the art here is darkly beautiful. I hope you will continue to share your many talents with us through this medium as it is probably the only way many of your fans who are not city dwellers will be able to enjoy it.
Thank you again.
I'd love to see more, especially as they seem to form a time line, that's obviously unfinished.
Paul, your artwork is stunningly beautiful, please put more of your 5x7's on the website. As an artist myself, I think your work is truly inspiring, thank you for sharing it with us.
Yes please more.
Yes! More please. Is that portrait of Nick Cave?
Wow! Ummm..... Huh? Jesus christ what does it mean? Can't believe all this art fits in this little box. Amazething. You are great, you know this. I think ..... More paint!
They are interesting vessels of emotive turmoil Paul, but can you do a 5x7 of the bloated skull of a crazed megalomaniac with a dried up withered vagina, seated on her throne of blinded human carnage, paid court to by her simpering spineless skeletal minions? Keep on creating :P
Paul, it is wonderful to see this side of you. Thank you for sharing your art, and yes please, I would love to see more.
Your website is amazing, have been wandering around it for ages...
Dear Mr. McDermott,
I, sadly, didn’t know about you’re work until three short years ago and as a result I doubt I will ever get to see anything of yours live – be it singing, comedy, or a gallery show – so I would have to request that you put more stuff up on this sight so that poor Canadian children such as myself will have a chance to see your breath taking work.
Love Natalie
wow paul, i had no idea you paint. i would love to see more. it's right up my alley.
Yes, more please - more of everything!